Deep Dive Post-Conditions
In Stacks, transactions can have "post-conditions". These are an additional security to ensure the transaction was executed as expected, without having the user needing to know the code of a smart contract.
Post-conditions can be used on contract calls and FT/NFT transfers. Adding post-conditions to a transaction can ensure that:
- STX tokens were transferred from an address
- FTs/NFTs we transferred from an address
Post-conditions aren't perfect! They can't say anything about the end-state after a transaction. So, they can't guarantee the receival of FTs/NFTs, since they only check for sending.
Post-Condition Modes
All given post-conditions will always be checked.
However, in addition to the post-conditions itself, we can also specify a "mode" for the transaction to verify other asset transfers.
The mode can be either Allow
or Deny
means that the transaction can transfer any asset (assuming no conflicting post-conditions).Deny
means the transaction will fail if any asset transfers (not specified in the post-conditions) are attempted.
Think of the mode as "allow/deny transfer of unspecified assets".
With Stacks.js we can set the mode via an exported enums from @stacks/transactions
import { PostConditionMode } from '@stacks/transactions';
const tx = await makeContractCall({
// ...
postConditionMode: PostConditionMode.Allow,
// OR
postConditionMode: PostConditionMode.Deny,
// ...
Constructing Post-Conditions
The easiest way to construct a post-condition in Stacks.js is to use the Pc
This is a builder inspired by BDD (Behavior Driven Development).
Start with the Pc.address
initializer to specify the address of the principal that will be verified in the post-condition.
Then auto-complete the rest of the post-condition.
Builder initializer
Pc.principal(address: string)
to initialize the principal that will be verified in the post-condition
STX/FT transfer methods
.willSendEq(amount: number)
to specify the exact amount to be sent.willSendGte(amount: number)
to specify the greater than or equal amount to be sent.willSendGt(amount: number)
to specify the greater than amount to be sent.willSendLte(amount: number)
to specify the less than or equal amount to be sent.willSendLt(amount: number)
to specify the less than amount to be sent
to specify uSTX as the FT asset (ends the builder).ft(contract: string, tokenName: string)
to specify a specific FT asset (ends the builder)
NFT transfer methods
to specify an asset should be sent.willNotSendAsset()
to specify an asset should not be sent
.nft(asset: string, assetId: ClarityValue)
to specify a specific NFT asset (ends the builder)
Legacy methods/enums
The builder methods construct the same representation as the legacy methods and can be used interchangeably.
Builder methodcreateFungiblePostCondition
Builder methodcreateNonFungiblePostCondition
Builder methodFungibleConditionCode
Amount uSTX Sent
With Stacks.js, we can construct a post-condition for a certain amount of uSTX to be sent.
import { Pc } from '@stacks/transactions';
const postCondition = Pc.principal('STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6')
// Equivalent to:
// createSTXPostCondition(
// FungibleConditionCode.Equal,
// 1000
// );
Amount FT Sent
With Stacks.js, we can construct a post-condition for a certain amount of a specific FT to be sent.
import { Pc } from '@stacks/transactions';
const postCondition = Pc.principal('STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6.token-ft')
.ft('STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6.token-ft', 'token');
// Equivalent to:
// createFungiblePostCondition(
// FungibleConditionCode.GreaterEqual,
// 500,
// "STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6.token-ft::token"
// );
Amount NFT Sent
With Stacks.js, we can construct a post-condition for sending / not-sending a specific NFT instance.
import { Pc } from '@stacks/transactions';
const postCondition = Pc.principal('STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6')
.nft('STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6.token-nft::token', Cl.uint(12));
// Equivalent to:
// createNonFungiblePostCondition(
// NonFungibleConditionCode.DoesNotSend,
// "STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6.token-nft::token",
// Cl.uint(12)
// );